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Over 70% of Ghanaian women won’t seek divorce because of husband’s side chicks


It has come to light that more than 70% of married women in Ghana would not seek divorce if their husbands are in romantic relationships with other women or have girlfriends referred to as side chicks.

According to a Joy FM survey, seventy 72% of married women would countenance their husbands having side chicks while 28% will walk out of their marriages.

The phenomenon of side chicks is being increasingly accepted in the country even though some women have resisted the development and have had to leave their marriages because of their husbands’ infidelity.

The canker has eaten so deep in Ghana that an organization, Responsible Married Women Campaign, has launched a spirited campaign to end the practice.

With a #EndSideChicks, they have been condemning the practice and urging men to resist the temptation while guiding women to protect their marriages from rampaging side chicks hell bent on destroying their happy marriages.

While they are at it, some tiny minority of married women are full of praise for side chicks, explaining that they spice up their marriages and deliver where they fall short. So rather than being a hindrance, side chicks have helped to sustain their marriages, saving them from collapse.

For men enjoying the services of side chicks, they have saved their marriages by providing usually their sexual and emotional needs when their wives fail. They contend that without side chicks, their marriages would have been done and dusted.



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